Tooth Contouring and Reshaping
At Classic Smiles Dentistry, our dentist often combines shaping or contouring teeth with a treatment called bonding, which involves applying resin to improve the overall appearance of the teeth. The front teeth are the best candidates for reshaping and bonding.
Tooth Contouring
If you have a lightly chipped tooth or teeth that are slightly misaligned, then contouring may be just the right option for you. Contouring is the subtle polishing of your teeth to remove chipped or uneven areas that you find distracting when you smile. This is a painless procedure and requires no anesthesia or “numbing.” It can be done in a single visit while you watch! It’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your smile. To reshape or contour teeth, the dentist will gently remove tooth enamel with a laser or drill. Before starting the treatment, the dentist will X-ray the teeth to check the location and amount of pulp. Next, they trim off misshapen areas, shortening excessively long teeth or altering badly shaped teeth to even them out for a proper bite and alignment. The teeth are then smoothed and polished.
At Classic Smiles Dentistry, teeth reshaping is one of the most convenient, cost-effective options for fixing chipped, uneven or poorly aligned teeth to create a more attractive smile.
Tooth Reshaping
The reshaping of your teeth is a procedure that involves the removal of a very small amount of tooth structure to help achieve a more desirable smile. Chipped or fractured areas are smoothed out and specific angles or edges can be rounded or squared. Contouring is sometimes also done to prevent chipped areas from getting worse. Tooth reshaping is a conservative way to improve the teeth. Since teeth can become weaker if large amounts of enamel are removed, this procedure is limited to minor changes or combined with veneers or bonding for a terrific smile.
Tooth reshaping, or tooth sculpting, is a safe and conservative way to improve your smile. Our staff at Classic Smiles Dentistry can give you a breakdown of the treatment options and costs based on your needs.
If you live in Austell, Georgia, call Classic Smiles Dentistry, at (770) 319-8110 and get that attractive smile you’ve always wanted.